奈斯 特命全權大使
H.E. Mr. Patrick Nijs, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Mrs. Kosei Murata
文德瀚 公使銜參贊
Mr. Didier Vanderhasselt, Minister Counsellor
梅浦沃 國防武官
Mr. Christophe E. Mespreuve, Defence Attaché
Mrs. Cosse Bernadette
費夏娃 參贊兼領事
Ms. Eva Verstraelen, Counsellor and Consul
潘伯特 參贊(經濟)
Mr. Bart Pennewaert, Counsellor (Economic)
柯文 參贊(法語區(qū)文化和教育)
Mr. Marc Eric Louis Kohen, Counsellor (Cultural and Educational, Walloon)
Mrs. Christine Simon
馬觀岳 一等秘書(文化和經濟)
Mr. Michel Gerebtzoff, First Secretary (Cultural and Economic)
Mrs. Han Jung Lim Petry
范安德 二等秘書(政務)
Mr. Tim Van Anderlecht, Third Secretary (Political)